Ileje Moravian Vocational Training Centre

The Ileje Moravian Vocational Training Centre is situated in the village Isongole, close to the Malawian border, in the Ileje District. The centre was founded in 2006 by the Moravian Church in Tanzania - South Province, with assistance from ZZg (Zeister Zending Genootschap) from Holland. 

We offer the following courses:

Long courses (2 years):
  • Carpentry and Joinery
  • Tailoring
  • Domestic Electric Installation
Short courses:
  • Computer Course
  • Domestic Electric Installation
In 2019, around 56 students are studying at our centre. If you are interested in joining our centre, you can download the joining instructions here.

We offer a variety of facilities that aim to promote a conducive learning environment for our students. Among those are a computer lab with around 15 computers, a big workshop for the Carpentry and Joinery students, a tailoring workshop, equipped with sewing machines and special classroom for the practical training of our Domestic Electric Installation students. Staff

Four full time teachers and some additional supporting staff are currently working at Ileje VTC.
Training Coordinator
Jimistone Mlalila

Ambokile Kandonga

School Motto

"Mpe urithi mwanao elimu ya ufundi."

"Fordward the heritage of vocational education to your children"


Ileje Moravian Vocational Training Centre

P.O. Box 150
Songwe Region

Phone:  +255 762 552603

In English